—  What is coaching?

Have you ever wondered, 'what is coaching?'

The term might immediately bring to mind a sports coach, someone who lays out the plays and instructs the team on what to do. They are the ones making the decisions, and the players are expected to follow. While this is one form of coaching, it's not the type of coaching we offer.
—   Personal and professional development

Coaching takes on a different dimension

Instead of being a directive process, it becomes a collaborative journey. It's not about the coach telling you what to do; rather, it's about partnering with you to find your own creative solutions to challenging problems, to help you move past those points where you feel stuck, and to discover innovative paths towards the outcomes you desire.
—   Our role in this partnership

Your self-discovery

To help you tap into your innate potential, and to empower you to bring your best ideas to life. But it doesn't stop there. A crucial aspect of coaching is accountability. How often have you had a fantastic idea or a well-laid plan, only for things to become muddled, or for momentum to fizzle out? This is where a coach steps in, providing the support and encouragement needed to turn your visions into reality.
—   Work process 

A journey you want to embark on

Working with a coach can be a transformative experience, one that could change the trajectory of your personal or professional life. Our aim is for the time you spend in our coaching sessions to be the most valuable part of your week, an hour where you feel heard, inspired, and capable of achieving more than you thought possible.


Our coaching services are tailored to empower and support your overall growth, helping you unlock your full potential and achieve remarkable personal and professional development.

Reaching for your goals

Our coaching is designed to guide and empower you, ensuring that you reach your goals and aspirations with confidence and clarity.

Your full potential 

Our coaching is dedicated to helping you tap into your untapped potential and guiding you towards reaching your full capabilities and achieving remarkable personal and professional growth.
—   Testimonials

Our satisfied customers

Dr. Blankenship has allowed me to identify my own barriers and lean into my strengths while addressing, rather than hiding from or ignoring, my weaknesses. ...this has led to successes and wins for our team despite facing very difficult challenges
— System Medical Director
He helped me to clarify things that I could impact, those things that were most important to me and my team, and what type of leader I wanted to be. He remains a trusted advisor and sounding board for me.

— Medical Director
Rob is a genuinely wonderful person and supportive individual. He is kind, honest, and available with no judgment. "If you want to find ways to help yourself and get to some raw detail of what makes you tick, he is a great resource.
— Medical Director

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